Your Own Personal New Year's Day
It’s my birthday (and never you mind how old I am).
Birthdays growing up as a kid were all about what I could get and get to do. I recall a particularly bratty moment of sulking to the bus stop because my favorite acid wash jean skirt wasn’t clean to wear to school (again, don’t ask how old I am).
I definitely saw this day as my own personal holiday and billed it as such much into my adulthood. I can’t remember if it was 30 or 31 when I gathered all my friends to dance the night away at a bar off H Street in the city. I don’t recall that night ending with any dignity, but we sure had fun.
Things have changed. That jean skirt is long gone. These days I want my comfy jeans with the hole in the knee, and a night off from making dinner feels real nice. I don’t need a room full of people. My little tribe is good enough for me.
As I’m well past the quarter-life crisis with mid-life in full view, I’m considering a new approach to this whole birthday thing.
I’ve written before on how much I love New Year’s Eve and Day. I make resolutions every year. Some stick, some don’t, but I always try. See, I take any excuse for a re-do, another shot, a “one more one last chance,” as the country song goes. It breaks up the ruts and stall mindsets.
Unfortunately, by this time of the year, my 2019 goals have already been derailed by… well, life. Wake up early and do yoga? Not so much. Stop wasting time on social media? Even Lent couldn’t help that one. Write more? Eh, somewhat, kinda, but there are still projects growing another layer of dust.
That’s just my stuff, but I’m sure you have your own. Yeah, you get it, right? It’s easy to give up.
And then comes a birthday.
You’ve got your own personal New Year. You’re embarking on another 365 days of whatever you make it out to be.
Your next trip around the moon has just begun, but guess what? You’re in the driver’s seat. Reset. Make a change. Try again.
Oh, and happy birthday to me. I’m looking forward to my new year. I have a feeling it’s gonna be a good one.